Terms & Condition

1.1 Thank you for choosing Raahgira Holidays. We take all efforts to make sure that you have a delightful holiday experience. To avoid any misunderstanding, we request you to read, understand, and abide by the below ‘Terms and Conditions’ along with the Privacy Policy before you book any tour, holiday, service, or make any transaction with Raahgira Holidays at any of our sales offices, sales partners, online on our website, mobile application, or otherwise. Once you book any tour or service with Raahgira Holidays, it is understood that you are giving your unqualified consent to accept and abide by the ‘Terms and Conditions’. In case you disagree with any part of these ‘Terms and Conditions’, kindly do not proceed with the booking.

1.2 ‘Terms and Conditions’ extend to all group tours, customized holidays, corporate tours, and any other services and products for Domestic, International, or Inbound organized by Raahgira Holidays.

1.3 Raahgira Holidays has the final authority on the interpretation of these ‘Terms and Conditions’.

1.4 Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to amend, vary, add, amplify or waive any stipulation, representation, term, or condition mentioned in the ‘Terms and Conditions’.

1.5 Under any unprecedented force majeure situation or any changes in Government policy, Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to supersede any part of these ‘Terms and Conditions’ with an alternate and valid enforceable provision.

1.6 Each of these ‘Terms and Conditions’ shall be severable and if any provision thereof is declared invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, then the remaining provisions nevertheless shall have full force & effect.

1.7 These ‘Terms and Conditions’, together with the other booking-related terms/ communication sent periodically, represent the entire agreement between Raahgira Holidays and you.

1.8 There is no agreement between the Company and you until the company has received the initial registration amount/ deposit as the case may be.

2.1 These ‘Terms and Conditions’ be called, ‘Raahgira Holidays Terms and Conditions’.

2.2 These ‘Terms and Conditions’ may also be referred to as ‘Rules and Regulations’.

2.3 Raahgira Holidays will be hereinafter referred to as ‘Raahgira Holidays’, ‘RH’, ‘the Company’, ‘the organization’, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ and its user will be hereinafter referred to as ‘Guest/s’, ‘them’, ‘they’, ‘their’, ‘You’, ‘Your’, ‘tourist/s’, ‘traveller/s’, ‘client/s’, ‘customer/s’, ‘pax’, or ‘passengers’.

2.4 The website and the mobile applications of Raahgira Holidays are collectively referred to as ‘Website’.

3.1 ‘Raahgira Holidays’ refers to Raahgira Holidays.

3.2 ‘Website’ means www.raahgira.com and ‘Web page’ means a page on the Website www.raahgira.com.

3.3 ‘Brochure’ means a document with tour information in the form of a printed brochure, E-brochure, E-itinerary, leaflet, booklet, travel planner, Tour Price list, Tour Information Email, etc.

3.4 ‘Tour’ means any Domestic/ International/ Inbound Tour organized by Raahgira Holidays.

3.5 ‘Group Tour’ means a number of guests booked on any scheduled tour comprising a minimum of 20 guests for Indian tours and 30 guests for international tours.

3.6 ‘FIT’ means Free Independent Travel and ‘GIT’ means Group Inclusive Tour.

3.7 ‘Corporate Tour’ means a special tour designed for corporates, industries, institutions, independent organizations, ad-hoc groups, or individuals to facilitate their meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions, seminars, team building, and other events. This segment is also known as MICE i.e. Meeting. Incentive. Conference. Exhibition.

3.8 ‘Customized Holiday’ means a tailor-made holiday designed as per the requirements of an individual guest. This segment is also known as FIT.

3.9 ‘Inbound’ or ‘India Inbound’ means tours, packages, or any service provided to foreign nationals or non-resident Indians to explore the states of India and the Indian Subcontinent.

3.10 ‘Speciality Tour’ means a group tour designed to meet the special interests of travelers which include but are not limited to Honeymoon Special, Women’s Special, Seniors’ Special, Singles’ Special, Short Trips, Cost Saver, Festival Tours, Adventure Tours, Trekking Tours, etc.

3.11 ‘Sales Partner’ means Raahgira Holidays’ authorized travel agent who possesses the requisite licenses, permissions, expertise, and infrastructure to sell the tours organized by Raahgira Holidays to all prospective guests. These include sales channels such as PSPs i.e. Preferred Sales Partners; KSPs – Key Sales Partners, OSP – Overseas Sales Partners, and franchisees.

3.12 ‘Travel Advisor’ means Raahgira Holidays’ authorized salesperson who assists and guides guests on booking their Raahgira Holidays tour/service.

3.13 Associate/ Destination Management Company (DMC) / Contractor/ Supplier/ Vendor means a service provider of a tour or package which includes but is not limited to airline, cruise, railway, road transport, hotel, restaurant, caterer, sightseeing attraction, entertainment park, etc.

3.14 ‘Tour Manager/ TM / Tour Leader/ Tour Escort / Tour Assistant/ Main Hoon Na’, is a person designated by Raahgira Holidays to conduct the tour as per the itinerary. S/he will also assist or guide the guest/s during the tour.

3.15 ‘Guest/s’ means all the tourists, travelers, vacationers, sightseers, visitors, backpackers, customers, clients who have registered their names or enquired about tour/ package or booked the tour by making part or full payment for any scheduled tour, customized package, or any other travel-related service provided by Raahgira Holidays.

3.16 ‘Gender’ – The masculine gender shall also include the feminine gender and vice versa, the singular shall include plural and vice versa, and shall include grammatical variations if any.

3.17 ‘Tour price’ means the price mentioned in the Tour Price Grid on the website/ mobile application/ sms/ email/ Whatsapp/ brochure / E-brochure/ leaflet/ advertisements on print, electronic, and social media, etc. which is to be paid by guests for booking the tour. Taxes, surcharges, if any, are payable over and above the Tour Price.

3.18 ‘Child’ means a guest who falls below the age of 11 years.

3.19 ‘Infant’ means a guest who falls below the age of 2 years.

3.20 ‘Extra bed’ or mattress means an additional roll-on mattress on the floor in a twin/ double bed room.

3.21 ‘Surcharge’ means an additional fee/ charge/ tax over and above the initially quoted tour price which is due to peak season/ special event, charged by the associates/ suppliers/ contractors/ tourism or government authorities.

3.22 ‘Peak Season’ and ‘Super Peak Season’ are the seasons of the year where the demand surpasses the supply which results in overall cost increase. This includes but is not limited to Summer Vacation, Diwali Vacation, Christmas Vacation, New Year Holidays, any Country Specific Vacation/ Festival, or National/International Events, etc.

3.23 ‘First Day/ Last Day/ Day’ of the tour shall start at any time (i.e. in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night/ midnight) at the first destination depending on the arrival of the respective flight/ train/ cruise or any other mode of transport and the same shall be in case of the last day of the tour. In other words, a ‘Day’ of the tour shall mean a part of the day or 24 hours or its part thereof.

3.24 ‘Meal Service’ on tour comprises pre-set breakfast (B)/ lunch (L)/ dinner (D) and/or any other snack and mineral water bottle as mentioned in the itinerary.

3.25 ‘Jain Meal’ on tour means food without onion & garlic served at Lunch and Dinner as per the tour itinerary, not necessarily before sunset. It may be a buffet service or a table service.

3.26 ‘VISA’ means ‘Visitor’s International Stay Admission’ is a conditional authorization granted by the immigration authorities of a territory to foreigners allowing them to enter, remain within, or to leave that territory for a specified period of time. This is in the form of a paper authorization or a stamp/sticker endorsed on the applicant’s passport. Raahgira Holidays is a facilitator and does not have any role in the granting/rejecting of the Visa.

3.27 ‘Force Majeure’ means an event or circumstance not within the control, directly or indirectly, of Raahgira Holidays in its ability to perform its obligations/ responsibilities regarding the tour, including:

  • War, hostile invasion, act of foreign enemies;
  • Rebellion, revolution, terrorism, insurrection, or civil war;
  • Political unrest, government orders, riots, commotion, disorder, curfews, strikes, lockouts, etc.;
  • Any act or omission of any government instrumentality;
  • A change in legal requirements;
  • Infectious diseases, epidemic, pandemic;
  • Explosion, fire, flood, drought, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, hurricane, tempest, typhoon, cyclone, snowstorm, thunderstorm, landslides, and other exceptional natural calamities and acts of God;
  • Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel/ waste or radioactive toxic explosive of any nuclear assembly;

3.28 ‘Cancellation Policy’ means a policy laid down in Raahgira Holidays’ ‘Terms and Conditions’ wherein applicable cancellation charges are specified which are to be borne by the guests on cancellation of their tour.

3.29 ‘Cancellation Charge’ means a charge borne by the guest upon canceling their tour for any reason whatsoever.

3.30 ‘Refund’ means repayment of the sum of money to the guest paid by him/her at the time of booking the tour after deducting the applicable cancellation charge.

3.31 ‘Future Tour Voucher’ (FTV) means a credit voucher of a specified value issued by Raahgira Holidays on the cancellation of the tour. FTV must be utilized by the guest/s for booking their future tour with Raahgira Holidays within the specified period and as per the agreed terms indicated in the said FTV.

3.32 ‘Tour Transfer Charge’ (TTC) means ‘estimated maximum charge’ that the guest may have to pay if their booked tour is being postponed due to the occurrence of certain unavoidable/ Force Majeure situation.

3.33 ‘Operational Expense’ means expenses that Raahgira Holidays has to incur through its normal course of business to conduct its tours and business operations.

3.34 ‘Jurisdiction’ means the geographical area over which a court or government body has the power and right to exercise authority. For any legal matter involving the company, parties hereto agree to confer exclusive jurisdiction to Mumbai Courts/ Forums.

This document provides a comprehensive framework for the terms and conditions governing services provided by Raahgira Holidays

4.1 Booking of Group Tours, Customized Holidays, Corporate Tours, Inbound Services, and Independent Services through Sales Channels or Online via Website/Mobile App:

When a guest inquires about or purchases any product offered by Raahgira Holidays through its website, mobile app, branch office, sales office, or call center, they agree to enter into a contract with Raahgira Holidays. This contract, once executed, binds both parties to the ‘Terms and Conditions’ outlined on Raahgira Holidays’ website, travel planner, brochure, or booking form.

By booking a product or service offered by Raahgira Holidays, providing their information, consenting to initiate the booking, and making the payment of the registration amount, the guest indicates their interest in the tour and acknowledges that they have read, understood, and accepted all the ‘Terms and Conditions’ mentioned on Raahgira Holidays’ website, travel planner, brochure, or booking form.

If the booking is made by a guest on behalf of their family, it is assumed that they have been authorized to do so by their family members after reviewing and accepting all the ‘Terms and Conditions’ provided by Raahgira Holidays.

A guest must be at least eighteen (18) years old to make a booking with Raahgira Holidays. It is the responsibility of the guest to ensure that all the information provided during the booking process is accurate, as the booking will be processed based on this information. Any losses or costs incurred due to incorrect information will be the responsibility of the guest.

Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to accept or decline any booking for any person or to cancel the booking without providing a reason.

4.2 Customized Holiday Booking:

Raahgira Holidays offers flexibility for guests who prefer not to choose from the standard holiday itineraries available on the website. Our Travel Advisors assist these guests in creating a customized holiday tailored to their specific requirements and interests. A non-refundable Holiday Design Fee (HDF) of INR 1500 for India and INR 3000 for international destinations must be paid at the time of inquiry. If the holiday is booked within 20 working days from the date of payment, the HDF will be adjusted against the booking amount. The HDF includes up to two free amendments to the itinerary.

4.3 Corporate Tour Booking:

For Corporate Tours, along with these ‘Terms and Conditions,’ the terms of the ‘Service Contract’ signed with the corporate entity, industry, institution, independent organization, or ad-hoc group will also apply. The ‘Service Contract’ is generally signed by an authorized representative of the corporate entity or organization and applies to each member of the tour.

4.4 User Registration on Website:

After booking, guests can register on Raahgira Holidays’ website to access their tour information. They will be able to log in using the User ID and Password created during registration. Guests are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and account, and they are fully responsible for all activities that occur under their account. In the event of any unauthorized use of the password or account or any other breach of security, guests are requested to immediately notify Raahgira Holidays via email at travel@raahgiraholidays.com or contact their respective Travel Advisor. Guests should also ensure that they log out of their account at the end of each session. Raahgira Holidays will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from failure to comply with this requirement.

4.5 Communication with the Guest:

All communication from Raahgira Holidays will be made via email, WhatsApp, SMS, or telephone to the registered contact details provided by the guest on the booking form. These communications will be considered delivered and received by the guest. Guests must ensure that the contact number provided is valid and that messages are checked regularly. Raahgira Holidays is not a mobile network operator and does not guarantee the delivery of SMS, WhatsApp messages, or emails. Guests will indemnify Raahgira Holidays for any action taken by regulatory authorities due to incorrect contact information provided by the guest for any reason.

4.6 Physical and Mental Fitness:

By booking a tour with Raahgira Holidays, the guest (or the person booking on their behalf) confirms that they are physically and mentally fit to travel to the chosen destination. It is essential for guests to maintain their health throughout the tour and to carry any necessary medication along with a doctor’s prescription. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to decline or discontinue the participation of any guest who is found unfit to travel or whose medical condition causes inconvenience to other travelers in a group tour. Any expenses arising due to health issues during the tour will be borne entirely by the guest, and Raahgira Holidays will not be held responsible in any way. Additionally, guests are advised that high-altitude locations in the itinerary may pose challenges, and individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, minors, and senior citizens should consult their doctors before booking such tours to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

4.7 Mandatory Health Requirements:

Guests must comply with the mandatory health requirements for travel to the destination, such as vaccinations, RT-PCR tests, Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT), e-pass formalities, and health checks on arrival or during the tour, as stipulated by the state or country. These requirements may change periodically. Any costs associated with meeting these requirements must be borne by the guest. It is the guest’s responsibility to carry the necessary certificates or test reports and present them when required by officials. Should a state, country, or service provider (such as an airline, cruise company, or railway) deny entry to a guest on medical grounds, the guest will bear all related expenses.

4.8 Travel During Pregnancy:

Raahgira Holidays does not recommend travel during pregnancy. The company does not provide specialized facilities or treatments related to childbirth, prenatal care, or early infant care on tour. Guests should consider the risks of traveling, particularly where necessary medical care for pregnancy may not be available or easily accessible in a timely manner to address potential complications or emergencies that may arise during pregnancy.

5.1 Payment Methods:

To book any tour/package/service, guests must make payments to Raahgira Holidays by Cheque, Demand Draft, NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, Payment apps/wallets like BHIM, PhonePe, Gpay, PayTM, or any UPI ID. All payments should be made in the name of ‘Raahgira Holidays’. We support India’s ‘Go Digital’ movement and encourage our guests to make digital payments. Cash payments in INR will be accepted as per the Government of India guidelines, along with PAN details. Please note that outstation cheques are not accepted.

5.2 Convenience Charges:

For payments made using Credit Card, Debit Card, or Online Transfer, a convenience charge of 1.8% will be levied and must be paid by the guest.

5.3 Dynamic Pricing:

The tour price quoted to guests is dynamic. A guest booking early is likely to get the lowest price offered by Raahgira Holidays, subject to availability. Guests booking at the last minute may face higher prices, or vice versa. Due to this pricing structure, guests on the same group tour are likely to have paid different tour prices. Raahgira Holidays will not entertain any claims on account of price differences.

5.4 Price Amendments:

Prices quoted in the proposal/brochure/website have been calculated based on prevailing airline/hotel/transport tariffs and applicable taxes. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to alter or amend the price published on the website/brochure/proposal in case of increases in taxes, fuel charges, YQ/YR taxes, visa fees, unprecedented foreign exchange fluctuations, etc., which will have to be borne by the guest and paid before departure.

5.5 Government Taxes:

Tour prices do not include government taxes, which must be paid extra. As per current regulations, 5% GST (Goods and Services Tax) is applicable on every tour/package, and guests will have to pay this over and above the tour price. In addition, effective from 1st October 2020, the government has levied TCS (Tax Collected at Source) on GST-inclusive tour/package prices of international/overseas travel packages. From 1st October 2023, the TCS rate is either 5% or 10% up to ₹7 lakh (percentage determined on the traveler’s ITR verification on the government portal) and 20% on amounts above ₹7 lakh, depending on certain requirements. Guests who have submitted their PAN copy, Aadhaar copy, and filed their Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the previous two assessment years need to pay 5% TCS up to ₹7 lakh billing. Guests who do not possess PAN and Aadhaar or have not filed their Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the previous two assessment years will have to pay 10% TCS up to ₹7 lakh billing. For billing above ₹7 lakh, guests will have to pay 20% TCS. The TCS collected can be claimed while filing annual income tax returns. The TCS amount will reflect in the Form 26AS of the guest whose PAN card is associated with the booking form, irrespective of the person who has made the payment for the tour/package. Guests must ensure that the correct PAN card is submitted to claim the benefit later. Once the TCS amount is collected from the guest, it cannot be refunded by Raahgira Holidays, as it is paid to the government and reflects against the Form 26AS of the guest. TCS is not applicable in the case of corporate/individuals who possess a valid TAN (Tax Deduction & Collection Account Number) and provide the same at the time of booking/confirmation of the tour/package. Upon submission of TAN, the corporate/individual must comply with TDS rules and ensure that TDS is paid in the name of Raahgira Holidays.

5.6 Online Bookings:

If the guest has booked the tour online, the guest must reconfirm and authenticate the information provided at the time of online booking. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to cancel the booking and forfeit the amount paid if any misleading information is provided by the guest.

5.7 Registration Amount:

The registration amount paid at the time of booking is non-refundable and interest-free, subject to the Cancellation and Refund Policy. Registration amounts differ from tour to tour. For tours where air or cruise bookings are required, the registration amount will be higher compared to other tours. Payment of the registration amount ensures only registration/participation in the tour and does not entitle the guest to any services like air tickets, visas, and hotel accommodation until full payment for the tour has been made by the guest and received by Raahgira Holidays. As per payment guidelines stated on www.raahgira.com, the tour price must be paid in full 45 days before the tour departure. If the tour is booked within 45 days of the departure date, guests must make full payment of the tour price at the time of booking. If, for any reason, the registration amount is not paid in full at the time of booking, the guest must ensure that the balance registration amount is paid within 3 days of booking; otherwise, the booking stands canceled.

5.8 Tour/Package Registration:

The tour/package registration amount is 50% of the net tour price. It must be paid within three days of booking the tour/package.

5.9 Cancellation Due to Non-Payment:

Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to cancel the booking, forfeit the amount paid as an advance, and impose cancellation charges if full tour price payment is not made 45 days before the tour departure date.

5.10 Customized Holidays:

For Customized Holidays, full payment towards the air ticket and a minimum of 20% payment towards the land package must be paid to confirm the booking. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to cancel your booking without notice if the payment is not cleared by the specified timeline.

5.11 Dishonored Cheques:

In case the guest makes a tour payment by cheque and it is dishonored, a charge of INR 150 + 18% GST will be levied by Raahgira Holidays and borne by the guests immediately. Currently, we do not accept any online payments via international credit or debit cards or other international transaction methods. If you wish to pay via international card or international money transfer, please get in touch with our team at [Raahgira Holidays Contact Number]. For such transactions, additional charges may apply.

5.12 Confidential Information:

The guest/user must not share confidential information such as credit/debit card numbers, CVV, OTP, card expiry dates, user IDs, passwords, etc., with any person, including the employees, representatives, or sales partners of Raahgira Holidays. If such details are requested, the guest/user must refrain from conducting any transactions and immediately inform Raahgira Holidays. The company shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the guest for sharing the aforementioned details.

5.13 Payment Utilization:

All monies paid by the guest to Raahgira Holidays will be the property of Raahgira Holidays and will be payable to our suppliers/contractors/associates for pre-blocking/pre-booking and providing the services along with operational costs of the company. Guests agree and acknowledge that such monies will not be held by Raahgira Holidays on behalf of the guest.

6. General Inclusions in Group Tour (GIT):

6.1 Any group tour of Raahgira Holidays generally includes:

  • Airfare (wherever applicable).
  • Accommodation.
  • Transport.
  • Meals as mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Sightseeing as mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Tour Manager services.
  • Visa Fees for Indian Nationals, excluding ‘Gratis Visas’/on-arrival free visas/free visas.
  • Driver and guide tips.

This list is illustrative and not exhaustive and includes all other inclusions mentioned in the itinerary of the respective tour.

6.2 General Exclusions in Group Tour (GIT):

  • Gratis/free-of-cost Visas, which are not included in the tour price.
  • Expenses of a personal nature such as porterage, laundry, telephone charges, shopping, beverages, additional mineral water, or food not included in the pre-set menus.
  • Courier charges for any specific requirements.
  • Any transport charges (unless mentioned) to reach the reporting point of the tour and onwards from the dropping point of the respective tour.
  • Expenses incurred in case of discontinuation of the tour for any reason.
  • Additional expenses incurred due to unforeseen circumstances like scheduled flight cancellations, unscheduled accommodation, or any force majeure situation.
  • Any increase in government taxes, fuel surcharges, YQ taxes, airfare, airport development fees, transport charges, visa fees, sightseeing charges, etc.
  • Additional charges for pre or post-air ticket deviation from the scheduled tour program with respect to the date or sector.
  • Any excess luggage charges levied by the airline/cruise/rail/transport company.

This list is illustrative and not exhaustive and includes all other exclusions mentioned on the website/brochure/itinerary of the respective tour.

6.3 Upgradation Charges:

Any upgradation charges towards first class, business class, premium economy, seat selection, separate vehicle, room category change, etc., levied by associates like airlines/cruises/rail/hotel/transport companies, are not included in the tour price and must be paid by the guest in addition to the tour price.

7. Payment Options:

7.1 Travel Loan:

Banks and financial institutions offer travel loans on an EMI basis. ‘EMI’ refers to the equated monthly instalment of the amount payable by the guest to the respective bank/financial institution/issuer, comprising the principal amount, interest, and other applicable charges.

The EMI facility offered by the bank/financial institution/issuer to the guest is governed by the respective terms and conditions of each bank/financial institution/issuer. Guests are advised to approach them in case of any enquiry, complaint, or dispute about the EMI transaction.

For availing of the EMI facility, down payment, instalment, interest, processing fee, etc., is charged by the respective Bank/financial institution/issuer as per their policy.

In case of tour cancellation, Raahgira Holidays will charge cancellation fees as per the Cancellation Policy, and the Bank/Financial Institution/issuer shall process the refund (if any) after deducting the cancellation fee.

The Bank/financial institution/issuer has sole discretion in providing the EMI facility to guests, and Raahgira Holidays has no role in the approval, extension, pricing, modification, pre-closure, closure, or any matter incidental thereto concerning the EMI facility.

Raahgira Holidays shall not be held liable for any dispute arising out of or in connection with such an EMI facility between the guest and the Bank/Financial Institution/issuer.

The Travel Loan facility is currently available exclusively to Indian Nationals residing in India. This service is not available to Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) or foreign nationals.

7.2 Credit Card EMI:

Credit cardholders can avail of the Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI) facility through their bank for their tour payment. (American Express, Diners Club, and Maestro Cards are not accepted).

The bank has sole discretion in providing this EMI facility to its users, and Raahgira Holidays has no role in the approval, extension, pricing, modification, pre-closure, closure, or any matter incidental thereto concerning the Credit Card EMI facility of the guest.

Raahgira Holidays shall not be held liable for any dispute arising out of or in connection with such Credit Card EMI facility between the guest and the bank.

In case of tour cancellation, Raahgira Holidays will charge cancellation fees as per the Cancellation Policy and will process the refund, if any.

8.1 Discount/Saving/Benefit on tour price is at the sole discretion of Raahgira Holidays. The discount strategy for validity/amount/percentage/number of seats/dates/age group/category/full payment/part payment/registration amount/early booking/last-minute booking/group booking, etc., is defined and controlled by Raahgira Holidays, and it reserves the right to make changes in the discount policy at any point in time without assigning any reason. Any discount/saving/benefit offer is always valid for a limited period, limited tours, subject to availability, and may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

8.2 If a guest does not fulfil the conditions of the discount, such as making full payment within the timeline, submitting guest details/documents in the stipulated time, or failing to meet the prescribed guest count for the respective discount, the discount facility will be withdrawn, and the tour will be re-priced for the respective guest(s), who will have to honour and abide by the same.

8.3 Provision of any complimentary service/item for the tour/guests is at the sole discretion of Raahgira Holidays. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to revoke/amend/discontinue any such service/item at any time without prior notice. Any complimentary snack(s) provided by Raahgira Holidays on tour are manufactured, packed, and supplied by the respective vendors/suppliers. Raahgira Holidays acts as a facilitator and is not responsible for any defect or damage in this regard and is not liable to compensate for any consequences.

8.4 To encourage early bookings, Raahgira Holidays may offer benefits to guests, including ‘free experiences’ on tour. This benefit is generally available on selected tours and for selected guests who book within the promotional timeline. On a particular tour, a few guests may receive the free experience, whereas guests who are not eligible for the free experience may purchase the same at an additional cost, subject to availability. Providing free experiences is at the sole discretion of the company. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to revoke/amend/discontinue such ‘free experiences’ if the guest count for the same falls below a prescribed number to operate the same.

8.5 Any discount or benefit offered in any advertising campaign is part of or supported by the marketing budget of Raahgira Holidays, and the guest shall not question, compare, or contest the same. It is not encashable or refundable in any manner whatsoever.

9.1 For international tours, the tour price includes both Indian Rupees and foreign currency components (Forex), which is to be paid from the traveller’s Basic Travel Quota (BTQ) at the prevailing Rate of Exchange (ROE).

9.2 The Forex component in the tour price can be paid in the following ways:

  • Guests can pay in Indian Rupees at the prevailing foreign exchange rate (selling rate).
  • Guests can pay in the respective foreign currency as per the prevailing Forex Rate (selling rate) by availing currency from Raahgira Forex Private Limited/Authorized FFMC/Bank.
  • Guests can pay in the respective foreign currency by using their own card.
  • The primary booking contact or any immediate family member travelling or accompanying on the same tour can pay for the family’s foreign exchange by card.
  • Guests cannot use their card for another person’s tour payment.

10.1 Documents Required for Booking a Tour:

To book a tour with Raahgira Holidays, guests must provide a valid photo ID for domestic tours and a valid passport for international tours. PAN submission is mandatory for both types of tours, as per RBI regulations. Additionally, guests must submit all required documents in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the respective visa consulate or embassy. It is the guest’s responsibility to hold all necessary travel documents, such as passports, visas, confirmed air tickets, insurance, and any medical or legal certificates. Failure to submit the required documents on time may result in booking cancellation and the application of cancellation charges.

10.2 Photo Identification:

For domestic tours within India, guests must carry valid photo identification, which can include an Aadhar card, election ID card, PAN card, driving license, or school/college ID card for students. Photo identification may be required at airports, railway stations, certain sightseeing locations, safari parks, and border areas. Guests must be prepared to present this identification upon request.

10.3 Passport:

For international travel, all guests, including children and infants, must have a machine-readable passport valid for at least 180 days beyond their tour return date. Guests must ensure that all passport details, such as name, address, validity, expiry date, and visa pages, are accurate. Passports must be well-maintained and free of damage or tampering. If any passport-related issues lead to tour cancellation, the guest is liable to pay applicable cancellation charges.

10.4 Visa (International Tours):

A visa is mandatory for international tours and must be obtained by the guest prior to travel. Raahgira Holidays assists guests with the visa process, but the decision to grant a visa is solely at the discretion of the respective consulate. Guests must verify their visa details upon receipt and notify Raahgira Holidays of any discrepancies. For certain countries, guests may need to carry both their old and new passports if the valid visa is on the old passport. Visa processing times may vary, and delays could result in missed tours. Guests are responsible for any additional visa costs incurred.

10.5 Travel Insurance:

All guests must have travel insurance for both domestic and international tours. Overseas travel insurance is included in the tour price for guests under 59 years of age; guests over 59 must pay the difference in premium. Insurance covers limited risks such as baggage loss, flight delays, hospitalization, and death. Guests should verify their insurance details before departure and carry their insurance copy on tour. Any upgrades or extensions to the insurance policy are at the guest’s expense.

10.6 Foreign Nationals or Non-Resident Indians (NRIs):

Foreign nationals and NRIs must possess a valid visa for the duration of the tour and comply with all relevant laws and regulations. They must declare their nationality or NRI status at the time of booking. These guests must carry all necessary documents, such as passports, visas, and OCI/PIO cards. Restrictions or additional fees may apply for certain destinations or sightseeing locations.

10.7 Minors:

Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult, or have a notarized consent letter from their parents. Specific documents may be required for minors applying for visas. Failure to provide the appropriate documentation may result in tour cancellation, and Raahgira Holidays is not responsible for any related consequences or losses.

10.8 Immigration:

Holding a valid visa does not guarantee entry into a country, as this decision is made by the country’s immigration authorities. Guests may be questioned, detained, or deported, which could result in missed or interrupted tours. In such cases, all associated expenses are the responsibility of the guest, and Raahgira Holidays is not liable for any refunds or compensation.

11.1 Raahgira Holidays endeavors to operate the tour as per the original tour itinerary. The itinerary provided at the time of booking or mentioned on the website/brochure/leaflet is based on the information available at that time and is subject to change depending on various factors such as state or country regulations, airline, cruise, rail, road transport, hotel, sightseeing, etc.

11.2 Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to change, alter, or amend the itinerary before the tour departure or while on tour. Information about such changes will be conveyed to the guests via email, SMS, phone call, or by the Tour Manager while on tour.

11.3 Changes to the original tour itinerary can occur due to Force Majeure events, fairs, festivals, sports events, weather conditions, traffic issues, cancellation or re-routing of flights, cruises, or railways, overbooking or closure of hotels, or closure of entry to sightseeing attractions. Such unforeseen circumstances may incur additional charges, which will be the responsibility of the guest.

11.4 For the enhancement of the itinerary, Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to add, delete, or exchange sightseeing attractions or any other services. If the new sightseeing or service incurs an additional charge, it will be the responsibility of the guest.

11.5 Some tour itineraries may include specific sightseeing attractions or destinations on certain dates or days, such as full moon days, independence days, or republic days. If unavoidable reasons or political movements prevent us from visiting these attractions or destinations, we will attempt to visit them on an alternate day. If a visit is not possible, we will try to arrange an alternate sightseeing option or refund the entry fee.

11.6 If any sightseeing place is not visited or adventure activity is not conducted due to certain reasons, an alternate sightseeing option may be arranged where possible. If an alternate cannot be arranged and a refund is applicable, it will be provided in INR only.

11.7 Any mishap during the tour may result in changes to the itinerary.

11.8 Any tour/package/service that includes helicopter, seaplane, cruise, ferry, etc., will be subject to availability, weather conditions, local permissions, or other statutory requirements. Raahgira Holidays is not responsible for any operational deficiencies under any circumstances. In unavoidable situations, Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to use alternate products, services, or sightseeing options instead of those advertised or published. In either case, the company shall not be liable for any damage, additional expense, or consequential loss suffered by the guests.

11.9 Guests should note that changes to the itinerary may occur due to various factors beyond our control, and Raahgira Holidays shall not be liable to pay any compensation or damages in such cases.

12.1 A Joining and Leaving (J/L) or Ex-destination guest is a traveler who books a Raahgira Holidays group tour without availing visa, insurance, and main sector air ticket services, arriving at the first destination of the tour on day one and leaving from the last place of sightseeing, restaurant, hotel, or airport to return to their hometown on the final day. These guests must make the J/L or Ex-destination tour payment in INR, USD, EURO, or the designated currency of the respective tour, either at any Raahgira Holidays sales office or via electronic transfer.

12.2 J/L or Ex-destination guests should carry valid air tickets, passports, valid visas, and insurance for the tour. To and fro airport transfers, if any, should be arranged at their own cost.

12.3 Guests should confirm with a Raahgira Holidays Travel Advisor about tour details such as the day, date, time, place, flight schedule, and make their flight bookings accordingly to join or leave the scheduled group tour. Guests should purchase refundable air tickets so that any changes in the tour date can be accommodated by paying a date change fee to the airline. If a non-refundable ticket is purchased and there is a date change in the scheduled tour, guests will need to purchase a new ticket to join the tour at their own cost. Raahgira Holidays shall not be liable for any loss or cancellation arising from this.

12.4 It is mandatory for guests to share a copy of their valid air ticket, visa, and insurance with their Travel Advisor at Raahgira Holidays before the tour. Guests should also provide their local contact details and be aware of the reporting place, name of the Tour Manager, and their active local contact number.

12.5 Any additional services such as pre/post accommodation, transfers, sightseeing, meals, etc., will incur extra charges, and such payments must be settled immediately or at least 45 days prior to the tour departure.

12.6 Due to unavoidable circumstances, force majeure, or airline operational changes, we may need to alter the sightseeing schedules for the first or last day. In such cases, J/L or Ex-destination guests may miss certain sightseeing or on-tour services. Raahgira Holidays will not be liable for any refund for missed sightseeing or services or any compensation for such consequences.

12.7 J/L or Ex-destination guests must reach the scheduled reporting place (e.g., airport, hotel, sightseeing) at their own cost as advised by the Travel Advisor or Tour Manager. If a guest is unable to join the tour at the pre-decided reporting place, the group will proceed as per the itinerary, and the guest will need to join wherever possible and bear the associated expenses.

13.1 A Deviation Guest is a traveler who books a Raahgira Holidays group tour and opts to deviate from the scheduled itinerary either before or after the tour for reasons such as visiting friends/relatives, attending a convocation/convention, or for a business visit, etc.

13.2 If a guest wishes to travel in advance (pre-deviation) or return at a later date (post-deviation), they must inform the Travel Advisor at the time of booking. The Travel Advisor will provide guidance on necessary changes such as airline date changes/sector changes, visa extensions, additional service modifications, insurance validity, and additional accommodation/transfer requirements. Any additional charges for these changes must be paid by the guest immediately.

13.3 Deviation requests are subject to availability. If the requested change is not available, the guest will need to choose from alternate options.

13.4 It is the guest’s responsibility to reconfirm their air ticket and flight schedule 24 hours prior to departure.

13.5 If a guest arranges any pre or post-tour deviation independently, it is their responsibility to join or leave the tour at the airport, hotel, or sightseeing location at their own cost, as advised by the Travel Advisor or Tour Manager. If the guest cannot join the tour at the pre-decided reporting place, the group will proceed as per the itinerary, and the guest must join wherever possible and bear the associated transport expenses.

13.6 Guests must check their air ticket, visa, and insurance for travel dates and validity before the tour departs.

13.7 Deviation is a personal requirement of the guest. Raahgira Holidays can only assist with the process but does not guarantee the change and will not be held responsible for any consequences arising from it.

14.1 Raahgira Holidays offers an option for a Post Tour Holiday package, allowing guests to extend their holiday after the scheduled group tour in the same city or country or at a destination of their choice.

14.2 Guests opting for a Post Tour Holiday must inform the Travel Advisor at the time of booking. The Travel Advisor will guide the guest on necessary changes, such as airline return ticket date changes/sector changes, visa extensions, and insurance validity. Guests can choose from pre-designed Post Tour Holiday packages or request a Customized Holiday. Any additional charges for the Post Tour Holiday must be paid by the guest immediately.

14.3 Post Tour Holiday requests are subject to availability. If the requested package is not available, the guest will need to choose from alternate options.

14.4 It is the guest’s responsibility to reconfirm their return air ticket and flight schedule 24 hours prior to departure.

14.5 A Post Tour Holiday is not an escorted group tour. It is a Customized Holiday (FIT), and inclusions and exclusions will be as per the itinerary.

15.1 General:

Raahgira Holidays’ group tours typically include air tickets. Some tour categories may exclude air tickets. For air-inclusive group tours, Raahgira Holidays blocks seats well in advance, sometimes up to a year before the tour departure date, by paying an advance/deposit to the airline. Actual ticketing occurs prior to departure according to the airline’s ticketing policy. Any increase in airfare, taxes, fuel surcharges, airport development fees, etc., between the tour launch date and departure date will be borne by the guests and must be paid before the tour departure.

By booking an air-inclusive tour or FIT package with Raahgira Holidays, guests accept the airline’s Terms & Conditions of travel, baggage, meals, services, and applicable national/international laws governing air transportation such as DGCA, IATA, PATA, etc. In case of airline service discontinuation, route changes, flight schedule changes, or delays, any additional expenses incurred for continuing the tour will be borne by the guests.

Guests must take care while filling and verifying their booking form for details such as correct name-spelling, age, birth date, contact details, passport number, and passport issue date and place. Names should match the passport for international tours and the Aadhar card for domestic tours. Incorrect details may result in name corrections (if time permits), denial of boarding, deportation, or tour cancellation, with the guests bearing any consequences, losses, or additional expenses. Raahgira Holidays is not responsible or liable for such issues.

Guests booking individual air tickets with Raahgira Holidays must ensure they do not hold another air ticket with the same or a different airline for the same date, as it may lead to auto-cancellation of the ticket, with the guests bearing any resulting consequences.

15.2 Baggage:

Raahgira Holidays provides information about the scheduled tour’s airline baggage allowance to booked guests prior to departure. Guests should also check the latest baggage allowance for their airline and adhere to its terms and conditions. Any excess baggage charges must be borne by the guests.

If joining from another Indian city to the main hub where the tour starts and ends, guests will use domestic flights. Baggage allowance may vary between domestic airlines and the scheduled tour airline. Any excess baggage charges for the domestic airline will be borne by the guests.

Guests are advised to travel light and use a mid-sized 4-wheel bag, as they will need to carry their baggage throughout the tour. Large-sized bags should be avoided.

15.3 In-flight Seating:

Raahgira Holidays reserves economy class air tickets for guests on air-inclusive tours, which do not include specific seating preferences such as front row, emergency row, aisle seat, or window seat. If guests wish to book specific seats, they must inform their Travel Advisor and make the necessary payment. This request is subject to availability with the airline.

On the day of departure, if guests wish to upgrade from economy to premium economy, business, or first class, they can do so, subject to availability, by paying the additional amount to the airline.

15.4 Airline Credit Points:

Guests wishing to use air miles, frequent flyer points, credit points, etc., for their tour should book as a Joining/Leaving (J/L) or Ex-destination guest and reserve their individual tickets to avail of the facility. Guests will need to communicate directly with the airlines for their frequent flyer miles. Raahgira Holidays can assist if needed.

15.5 In-flight Meals:

In-flight meal service is at the discretion of the respective airline. Veg/non-veg meal requests and/or special meal requests should be informed at the time of booking and are subject to availability with the airline. Raahgira Holidays is not responsible for the unavailability of requested meal types or the quantity and quality of in-flight meals.

For domestic and short-haul international tours, in-flight meals are not included in the air ticket, and guests are advised to carry snacks for the flight journey.

15.6 Airport Service:

Various airports offer special services such as lounge facilities, attendants, and Pranaam Guest Services at an additional cost. Guests wishing to avail such facilities should inform the Travel Advisor to pre-book them. Wheelchair facilities for seniors or physically challenged guests are also available at the airport if pre-booked and are generally free of cost. These facilities are subject to availability.

16.1 Guests are advised to travel light and avoid carrying valuables on tour. It is crucial to take utmost care of baggage and belongings at all times. Personal items such as mobile phones, cameras, laptops, jewelry, gadgets, passports, visas, tickets, currency, purses, and bags should not be left unattended. Digital payment systems like forex cards, credit cards, mobile payments, and e-wallets are recommended. Guests are solely responsible for their personal belongings. Raahgira Holidays and its representatives are not liable for any loss, theft, damage, or accident involving personal belongings during the tour, flight journey, coach travel, hotel stay, or sightseeing.

16.2 In the event of loss, theft, damage, or accident, guests must file a complaint with the relevant local authorities such as the police, private bodies, or airline offices and follow up on the resolution.

16.3 Claims for loss, theft, damage, or negligence with any associate such as airlines, hotels, coach companies, or sightseeing places should be directly addressed with the respective associate or insurance company (if applicable). Raahgira Holidays is not liable to pay any compensation to the guest for any dispute arising about the adequacy of the settlement amount or rejection of the claim by the associate or the insurance company.

16.4 Customs, immigration, and airlines restrict the carriage of certain items, articles, or objects during travel, and there are restrictions on the amount of currency a traveler is allowed to carry. All guests should be aware of and comply with these regulations. If guests are carrying any restricted items or excess money, or if they misplace their passports, they may be detained or miss their flight, and the tour may need to be curtailed. Raahgira Holidays will not be responsible for any losses or additional expenses arising from such situations.


17.1 For tours, air-conditioned, air-cooled, or non-air-conditioned vehicles are used as per the itinerary. The mode of transport for road journeys includes big coaches, mini coaches, tempo travelers, jeeps, cars, or taxis depending on the type of tour, itinerary, road conditions, and the number of guests.

17.2 Seat allotment in the coach is based on the booking date priority of the tour. This applies when two or more tours are merged together. Seat numbers are allocated one day before the departure of the tour and assigned to guests on the first day of the tour by the Tour Manager. Seat numbers cannot be provided at the time of booking or before the tour departure.

17.3 In coaches, seat allotment will start from seat number 5 onwards, as seat numbers 1 & 2 are reserved for the Tour Manager, and seat numbers 3 & 4 are reserved as prime seats, which can be booked by guests at an additional cost if available. If paid prime seats are not available for any reason, the company is liable to refund only the prime seat cost to the guest. For smaller vehicles, prime seats are not applicable.

17.4 For certain tours, small vehicles (Etios, Dzire, Innova, or similar) are used for road travel. One car will accommodate 4-6 guests. The Tour Manager will share one of the cars in the group on a rotational basis. These cars are meant to be used for road journeys and sightseeing as per the tour itinerary and are not at the disposal of any individual or group of guests.

17.5 Guests or groups can opt for a separate vehicle for their family or upgrade the vehicle type or request a tempo traveler, mini coach, or big coach for their family or group at an additional cost, subject to availability.

17.6 For tours to Leh Ladakh, Andaman, Sikkim Darjeeling, and North East, small vehicles will be used with 5-6 guests per vehicle. Since these are difficult terrains with limited availability of vehicles, the type of vehicles used for these tours will vary on a day-to-day basis. Upgrading the vehicle type at these destinations is not possible.

17.7 The coach captain or vehicle driver plays a vital role in the successful operation of the tour. Guests are requested to treat them with respect and be aware of driving rules such as maximum daily or weekly driving hours and their rest periods.

17.8 It is the duty of the guest to be punctual and adhere to the day’s schedule, completing sightseeing or programs as per the itinerary. If any guest does not report to the coach at the given time, the coach will proceed to the next point or destination in the program, and the guest will have to join the group at the next point or destination on their own, with expenses borne by them.

17.9 To maintain the comfort and safety of the group, there is a strict ‘no smoking,’ ‘no alcohol,’ and ‘no eating’ policy in the vehicle. Guests are requested to adhere to this policy.

17.10 To maintain cleanliness and hygiene, ‘pay & use’ toilet facilities are available at most places, and guests are requested to carry coins or small change for the same.

17.11 On tours, there is a possibility of vehicle or air conditioner failure; in such cases, a feasible solution will be sought at the earliest. Raahgira Holidays is not responsible for such mechanical failures and is not liable for any compensation.

17.12 While on tour, the upkeep of the coach is essential. If the interior or exterior of the coach is accidentally or otherwise spoiled or damaged by the guest, they will be required to pay charges or compensation for the same to the coach company immediately.

17.13 Raahgira Holidays will not be liable for any refund to guests for missed sightseeing due to unforeseen circumstances such as demonstrations on the road, landslides, road closures, or traffic jams.

18.1 Raahgira Holidays offers exclusive cruise tours as well as a few tours where single or multi-night cruises are part of the itinerary. Cruise-inclusive tour prices are based on inside state rooms, porthole cabins, or ocean view cabins as mentioned in the itinerary.

18.2 Any upgrade to balcony cabins or suites will be available at an additional cost, subject to availability.

18.3 Shore excursions, apart from those included in the tour or optional facilities on the cruise, can be availed by paying an additional charge to the cruise company by the guest.

18.4 It is the guest’s responsibility to be on time, as the cruise cannot wait for anyone. In case any guest misses the cruise, they will have to report to the next ‘port of call’ of the cruise or next destination of the tour themselves at their own expense.

18.5 Individual guests traveling on a Customized Holiday package should be aware of the statutory tipping policy of the cruise and pay accordingly.

18.6 Some tours include a rail journey as part of their itinerary. Generally, air-conditioned chair cars or sleeper berths are reserved for day or night journeys, respectively. Any upgrade in rail class is possible subject to availability at an additional cost.

18.7 It is the guest’s responsibility to be on time and not to miss the train, as guests themselves will bear the cost and face the consequences in case of missing a train.

18.8 Since cruise or rail companies are private organizations, their own Terms and Conditions will apply along with Raahgira Holidays’ Terms and Conditions.

19.1 For any tour or package, services are booked or blocked several months in advance. Cancellation of such services earmarked for a particular departure results in forfeiture of money depending upon the time of cancellation with the supplier. Cancellation of the tour/service booked will attract cancellation charges as specified hereinafter. Your tour also includes third-party products or services such as airlines, cruises, railways, transport, hotels, restaurants, caterers, sightseeing companies, etc. The Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy of such third parties will be applicable in addition to Raahgira Holidays’ Cancellation Policy and Terms and Conditions.

19.2 The Cancellation Policy applies to all guests of Raahgira Holidays booked for Group Tours, Customized Holidays, MICE Tours, Inbound Holidays, or any independent service taken from Raahgira Holidays.

19.3 Requests for cancellation of any service/tour must be submitted in writing, clearly stating the reason for cancellation, via email to Raahgira Holidays at connect@raahgira.com from the guest’s registered email ID.

19.4 Once the booking is canceled, it cannot be reinstated. Any reversal or re-booking will be treated as a fresh booking and additional charges may apply.

19.5 All guests expressly agree to the foregoing policy and terms.

19.6 Cancellation done by/for/due to:

a. Guest cancels the tour due to any personal reason:

  • If a guest cancels the tour for personal reasons like non-sanction of leave, exam postponement, illness, or family emergency, the date of the cancellation request email sent by the guest (unless otherwise decided) will be considered as the date of cancellation, and the cancellation charge will be applicable accordingly.

b. Considering the safety of tourists, Raahgira Holidays is compelled to postpone/reschedule the tour under force majeure situations or due to uncontrollable factors at the destination; however, if guests do not wish to continue and cancel the tour:

Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or reschedule any tour under force majeure situations such as natural calamities, epidemics, pandemics, terrorist activities, political unrest, curfews, local riots, government orders, etc., or uncontrollable factors such as airline operations/schedule changes, or disruptions due to political/sports/local/VIP events at the destination, considering the safety of the tourists. In such cases, no refund, fully or partially, will be applicable. Guests will be required to choose the next possible future date of the same tour. If there is any price difference for the future tour, guests will need to pay the same before the tour departure.

To reschedule the tour in force majeure situations or uncontrollable factors, Raahgira Holidays will request cooperation and assistance from all concerned associates such as airlines, hoteliers, transporters, etc., for postponing the services. If these associates are not in a position to consider the request, then actual cancellation charges may apply.

If guests want to change the destination, the decision will depend on the cooperation of the associates. Such a decision will be provided as early as possible. If the selected tour’s price is higher, guests will need to pay the difference before the tour departure. If the tour price is lower, the remaining amount will be kept in a credit shell with Raahgira Holidays. No refund is applicable for the credit shell.

c. Guest cancels the tour due to non-acceptance of changes in itinerary/service:

For the betterment of the itinerary or under unforeseen situations, Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to add, delete, or exchange sightseeing places or any other service. Guests will not be able to withdraw from the tour on this ground. If the additional sightseeing or service requires an extra charge, it will need to be paid by the guest. If a guest is not willing to accept the said change, they will need to cancel the tour, and cancellation charges as per the Cancellation Policy will be applicable.

d. Deemed Cancellation – Guest’s booking stands canceled due to visa rejection/delay:

Visa rejection or delay will lead to deemed cancellation, and the booking will be canceled without any intimation or confirmation from the guest. The visa rejection date will be considered as the date of cancellation, and cancellation charges will be applicable accordingly. Guests can reapply by paying additional visa charges; however, granting of the visa is at the discretion of the respective consulates, and Raahgira Holidays will not be responsible for the same. If the visa is not granted even on the second attempt, the cancellation charge will be based on the date of rejection of the second visa application. If no intimation of visa (granted or rejected) is received from the consulate or embassy before the tour departure, it will be considered as deemed cancellation, and cancellation charges will apply. In the case of a group booking, if an individual’s visa is rejected or delayed and the rest of the group cancels the tour, cancellation charges as mentioned in the Cancellation Policy will be applicable to the entire group. When the visa is received from the consulate, its copy is sent to the guest via email by Raahgira Holidays. However, sometimes consulates dispatch passports directly to the guest’s residence. In both cases, it is the responsibility of the guest to check the visa sticker or visa copy and verify that personal details and visa validity are accurate. Due to any incorrect details, if the immigration office does not allow the guest to leave or enter the country, Raahgira Holidays will not be responsible for any refund, losses, or consequences. In certain cases, where the air ticket or visa is processed more than 91 days in advance, additional actual charges on account of air/visa fees will be applicable along with regular tour cancellation charges.

e. Deemed Cancellation – Guest’s booking stands canceled due to the non-payment of partial/full tour price:

Guests are required to pay the full tour price at the time of booking or 60 days/45 days prior to the tour departure date. If the payment is not received within the mentioned time frame, Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to cancel the booking without any written notification from the guest and forfeit the paid amount. In such cases, Raahgira Holidays’ cancellation notice date will be treated as the deemed cancellation date, and cancellation charges will apply as per the Cancellation Policy.

f. Deemed Cancellation – Guest’s booking stands canceled due to ‘No show’ or absence on Day 1 of the tour:

If any guest fails to join the tour on Day 1, it will be termed as ‘No Show’ and will be treated as deemed cancellation, with no refund applicable. All services will be canceled, and 100% cancellation charges will be applicable unless the guest notifies Raahgira Holidays about joining the same tour later at their own expense.

g. Deemed Cancellation – Guest’s tour stands canceled due to discontinuation from an ongoing tour:

If a guest discontinues or terminates the tour for any personal reason, it will be considered as deemed cancellation, and no refund will be applicable. Raahgira Holidays will assist the guest in booking the required services; however, all expenses for the same will need to be paid by the guest immediately in advance.

h. Single (Solo) Guest sharing a room with another guest cancels the tour:

Single guests should ideally book on specialty tours such as Women’s Special, Seniors Special, Adventure Special, etc., where Raahgira Holidays guarantees a room partner and guests save on the single occupancy charge. If a single guest is traveling alone on a regular tour, they will have to pay the single occupancy charge. If a room partner is found for the tour and the guest shares a twin/double room for all tour days, the single occupancy charge will be refunded within 10 working days of tour completion. In the event of cancellation by one of the room-sharing partners, no refund of the single occupancy charge is applicable.

19.1 For any tour or package, services are booked or blocked several months in advance. Cancellation of such services earmarked for a particular departure results in forfeiture of money depending on the time of cancellation with the supplier. Therefore, cancellation of the tour/service booked will attract cancellation charges as specified hereinafter. Your tour may also include third-party products or services such as airlines, cruises, railways, transport, hotels, restaurants, caterers, sightseeing companies, etc. The Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy of such third parties will apply in addition to Raahgira Holidays’ Cancellation Policy and Terms and Conditions.

19.2 The Cancellation Policy applies to all guests of Raahgira Holidays booked for Group Tours, Customized Holidays, MICE Tours, Inbound Holidays, or any independent service taken from Raahgira Holidays.

19.3 Requests for cancellation of any service or tour must be submitted in writing, clearly stating the reason for cancellation, via email to Raahgira Holidays at connect@raahgira.com from the guest’s registered email ID.

19.4 Once the booking is canceled, it cannot be reinstated. Any reversal or re-booking will be treated as a fresh booking and additional charges may apply.

19.5 All guests expressly agree to the foregoing policy and terms.

19.6 Cancellation done by/for/due to:

a. Guest cancels the tour due to any personal reason:

After booking, if a guest encounters personal reasons such as non-sanction of leave, exam postponement, illness, or a family emergency that leads to the cancellation of their tour/package, the date of the cancellation request email sent by the guest (unless a decision is withheld or changed) will be considered as the date of cancellation, and the cancellation charges will be applicable accordingly.

b. Considering the safety of tourists, Raahgira Holidays is compelled to postpone/reschedule the tour under force majeure situations or due to uncontrollable factors at the destination; however, if guests do not wish to continue and cancel the tour:

Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or reschedule any tour under force majeure situations such as natural calamities, epidemics, pandemics, terrorist activities, political unrest, curfews, local riots, government orders, etc., or uncontrollable factors such as airline operations/schedule changes, or disruptions due to political/sports/local/VIP events at the destination, considering the safety of the tourists. In such cases, no refund, fully or partially, will be applicable. Guests will be required to choose the next possible future date of the same tour. If there is any price difference for the future tour, guests will need to pay the same before the tour departure.

To reschedule the tour in force majeure situations or uncontrollable factors, Raahgira Holidays will request cooperation and assistance from all concerned associates such as airlines, hoteliers, transporters, etc., for postponing the services. If these associates are not in a position to consider the request, then actual cancellation charges may apply.

If guests want to change the destination, the decision will depend on the cooperation of the associates. Such a decision will be provided as early as possible. If the selected tour’s price is higher, guests will need to pay the difference before the tour departure. If the tour price is lower, the remaining amount will be kept in a credit shell with Raahgira Holidays. No refund is applicable for the credit shell.

c. Guest cancels the tour due to non-acceptance of changes in itinerary/service:

For the betterment of the itinerary or under unforeseen situations, Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to add, delete, or exchange sightseeing places or any other service. Guests will not be able to withdraw from the tour on this ground. If the additional sightseeing or service requires an extra charge, it will need to be paid by the guest. If a guest is not willing to accept the said change, they will need to cancel the tour, and cancellation charges as per the Cancellation Policy will be applicable.

d. Deemed Cancellation – Guest’s booking stands canceled due to visa rejection/delay:

Visa rejection or delay will lead to deemed cancellation, and the booking will be canceled without any intimation or confirmation from the guest. The visa rejection date will be considered as the date of cancellation, and cancellation charges will be applicable accordingly. Guests can reapply by paying additional visa charges; however, granting of the visa is at the discretion of the respective consulates, and Raahgira Holidays will not be responsible for the same. If the visa is not granted even on the second attempt, the cancellation charge will be based on the date of rejection of the second visa application. If no intimation of visa (granted or rejected) is received from the consulate or embassy before the tour departure, it will be considered as deemed cancellation, and cancellation charges will apply. In the case of a group booking, if an individual’s visa is rejected or delayed and the rest of the group cancels the tour, cancellation charges as mentioned in the Cancellation Policy will be applicable to the entire group. When the visa is received from the consulate, its copy is sent to the guest via email by Raahgira Holidays. However, sometimes consulates dispatch passports directly to the guest’s residence. In both cases, it is the responsibility of the guest to check the visa sticker or visa copy and verify that personal details and visa validity are accurate. Due to any incorrect details, if the immigration office does not allow the guest to leave or enter the country, Raahgira Holidays will not be responsible for any refund, losses, or consequences. In certain cases, where the air ticket or visa is processed more than 91 days in advance, additional actual charges on account of air/visa fees will be applicable along with regular tour cancellation charges.

e. Deemed Cancellation – Guest’s booking stands canceled due to the non-payment of partial/full tour price:

Guests are required to pay the full tour price at the time of booking or 60 days/45 days prior to the tour departure date. If the payment is not received within the mentioned time frame, Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to cancel the booking without any written notification from the guest and forfeit the paid amount. In such cases, Raahgira Holidays’ cancellation notice date will be treated as the deemed cancellation date, and cancellation charges will apply as per the Cancellation Policy.

f. Deemed Cancellation – Guest’s booking stands canceled due to ‘No show’ or absence on Day 1 of the tour:

If any guest fails to join the tour on Day 1, it will be termed as ‘No Show’ and will be treated as deemed cancellation, with no refund applicable. All services will be canceled, and 100% cancellation charges will be applicable unless the guest notifies Raahgira Holidays about joining the same tour later at their own expense.

g. Deemed Cancellation – Guest’s tour stands canceled due to discontinuation from an ongoing tour:

If a guest discontinues or terminates the tour for any personal reason, it will be considered as deemed cancellation, and no refund will be applicable. Raahgira Holidays will assist the guest in booking the required services; however, all expenses for the same will need to be paid by the guest immediately in advance.

h. Single (Solo) Guest sharing a room with another guest cancels the tour:

Single guests should ideally book on specialty tours such as Women’s Special, Seniors Special, Adventure Special, etc., where Raahgira Holidays guarantees a room partner and guests save on the single occupancy charge. If a single guest is traveling alone on a regular tour, they will have to pay the single occupancy charge. If a room partner is found for the tour and the guest shares a twin/double room for all tour days, the single occupancy charge will be refunded within 10 working days of tour completion. In the event of cancellation by one of the room-sharing partners, no refund of the single occupancy charge is applicable.

19.7 Cancellation of the tour by Raahgira Holidays:

Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to cancel any group tour or package due to operational reasons or inadequate participation of guests required to operate a group tour. In such cases, the cancellation of the tour shall be communicated to the guest via their registered email, telephone, or SMS. The amount paid by the guest will be refunded within 10 working days of the cancellation of the tour. The refund will be paid by A/C payee cheque, NEFT, or RTGS. Raahgira Holidays will not be liable to pay any interest on the tour amount paid by the guest. Raahgira Holidays is not responsible for any additional expenses related to any other arrangements made by the guest independently. A guest wishing to take another tour can do so in consultation with the respective Travel Advisor. Any excess or short payment for the new tour will be refunded or collected from the guest.

19.8 Right of Admission and Termination:

Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to deny any booking or cancel the accepted booking of any guest without divulging any reason or justification. Raahgira Holidays also reserves the right to terminate the tour of any guest while on tour if the guest does not follow group tour decorum or misbehaves or creates a nuisance to co-passengers, the Tour Manager, coach captain, local citizens, or officials. Under such circumstances, the guest will have to make arrangements for their return travel on their own, and no refund will be applicable.

19.9 Transfer of Tour:

If guests wish to transfer their original tour to a new tour for any reason, such transfer is treated as a cancellation of the original tour and hence a fresh booking of the new tour must be made. Cancellation charges will apply on the net tour price of the original tour. For the new tour, prevailing tour prices and discounts will be applicable. Guests wishing to transfer the tour must communicate in writing to the Travel Advisor. Such requests will be accepted subject to availability.

19.10 Merging of Tours:

Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to merge two or more tours when there is inadequate participation of guests in a single tour or for any operational reasons. Seat allocation in the coach will be based on the booking date priority of the merged tours.

19.11 Refund:

Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to determine the quantum of refund payable to the guest in case of cancellation, transfer, or amendment of the tour. Refund is calculated based on various factors such as the cancellation date, reduction in tour capacity, contractual agreements, and cancellation policies of associates like airlines, hoteliers, transporters, etc. The decision given by Raahgira Holidays on the quantum of refund according to the Cancellation Policy shall be final and will be paid directly to the guest.

As per GOI regulations, any refund from Raahgira Holidays for both Indian or International tours will be paid only in Indian rupees by A/C payee cheque, NEFT, or RTGS, even if the guest has made the tour payment partly or fully in foreign currency. Refund is always processed in the name of the primary booking contact marked on the booking form or, in the case of ad-hoc/corporate groups, in the name of the institution/company that made the payment on behalf of the group. Raahgira Holidays is not liable to pay any interest on the tour amount paid by the guest/s. Convenience charges for payments made by credit card, debit card, online transfer, etc., are non-refundable. Tax Collected at Source (TCS) for international tours is non-refundable as it is deposited with the income tax department and recorded on the guest’s registered PAN. TCS once paid cannot be reversed; however, it can be claimed by the guest while filing their annual income tax returns. In cases of force majeure or uncontrollable situations, Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to levy non-refundable ‘tour transfer charge’ or ‘service charge’ for standalone services. For FIT/Customized packages, the Holiday Design Fee charged at the time of inquiry is non-refundable if guests do not book the holiday with Raahgira Holidays. When the tour price includes a visa fee and if the consulate/VFS/embassy procedure requires visa fee payment directly by the guest, the visa fee reduction will be given at the time of booking or refunded within 7 working days of submission of the visa payment receipt by the guest. When the tour price includes a visa fee and the guest holds a valid visa for the tour, they are required to submit the visa copy at the time of booking to avail of the reduction of the visa fee. In unforeseen circumstances, if the tour reschedules, the guest will have to get the visa done according to the new schedule and bear the costs of the same.

20.1 General:

Accommodation provided on the tour depends on the category of the tour/ package. It may be in resorts, hotels, houseboats, tents, camps, dormitory, hostels, cruise, train, coach, etc. The location of the accommodation generally depends on the tour program. Suggested names of the hotels/ type of accommodation mentioned in the tour program are always subject to availability. Similar type of tours may be accommodated in different hotels/ type of accommodation depending on the capacity and availability at the destination. Hotel membership rewards/ points if any cannot be earned or redeemed with hotels booked by the company.

20.2 Room Type/ Category:

Generally, the rooms are twin/double or single bedded, and extra bed (if needed) is provided in the form of a mattress on the floor. Guests can upgrade the room to suite/ family room/ specific view room, etc., subject to availability by paying an additional cost. If any guest wishes to have an additional room on tour, s/he can do so subject to availability by paying an additional cost. Single rooms are comparatively smaller in size and may be located on a different floor or in a corner of the hotel. Assignment of rooms to an individual or a group is at the discretion of the hotel/ associate/ supplier providing said service and is not controlled by Raahgira Holidays.

20.3 Check-In and Check-Out Time:

It is a common practice amongst hotels in India and around the world that check-in time for travellers is 3 pm and check-out time is 10 am. Our tour programs and itineraries are planned accordingly. Guests should be aware that even if we reach the destination early in the morning, we cannot check-in to the hotel and in that case, we will try to complete one or more sightseeing/s before check-in. If individual guests on their own want to check-in early or check-out late, s/he can request the same and avail it subject to availability by paying an additional charge. Certain accommodation types may ask for a credit card/ security deposit at check-in, which is refundable at check-out subject to the utilization of services by the guests.

20.4 Room Sharing:

Single (solo) guest sharing a room with other guest will have to abide by the room sharing policy of Raahgira Holidays, which is sent on the guest’s registered email ID upon booking the tour. Any issues such as misunderstanding between room sharing partners, damage/ loss of personal items or hotel property, etc., is the sole responsibility of the sharing partner/s and must be resolved between them. Raahgira Holidays is not responsible for the same. Any room sharing partner resorting to harmful/ unhygienic/ intolerable behaviour will be compelled to take a separate room immediately on tour by paying additional single occupancy room charge.

20.5 Children Sharing Room with Parents:

For the convenience and comfort on tour, it is recommended that a family of three should opt for a double room with extra mattress and a family of four should opt for two rooms. On international as well as on Indian tours, most of the hotels do not allow four people in one room for safety reasons.

20.6 Damage Caused to Property:

Any damages caused to the hotel rooms/ type of accommodation during the stay, shall be borne by the guest and has to be paid immediately or before check-out. If guests find any pre-existing damage in the room, it should be immediately brought to the notice of the hotel staff and/ or Raahgira Holidays Tour Manager. Raahgira Holidays is not responsible for such losses in any form or liable to pay any charges.

20.7 Accommodation Facilities:

Accommodation facilities like parking, restaurants, coffee shops, bars, gymnasium, spa, salon, swimming pool, sport and entertainment activities, child care/ play centre, meeting room, business centre, travel desk, doctor on call, lift/ elevator, porter, laundry, internet, Wi-Fi, telephone, mini bar, alcoholic beverages, paid television channels, air conditioners, in-room safe & amenities, room service, etc., may be available depending on the type of the tour or destination and will differ from property to property. All these facilities may or may not be available on a complimentary basis and guests must check before availing the same. Any charges upon use of such facility must be paid directly to the hotel by the guest. Raahgira Holidays shall not be liable for any disruption of any of the services, facilities and amenities offered at the hotel or accommodation type as well as deficiency in service including unprofessional behaviour of hotel staff as it does not come under the direct purview of Raahgira Holidays. To combat global warming, conserve natural resources, and practice sustainability, many countries/ governments/ local communities/ private establishments/ independent bodies, etc., have enforced restricted use of water, electricity, and air-conditioning which should be followed by every guest as a responsible tourist.

20.8 Accommodation in the Tropics/ Forests/ Open Air:

In many accommodation types located in natural surroundings, especially tents, camps, safari lodges, beach resorts, etc., insects like ants & cockroaches in the room and birds, monkeys, small animals, and the occasional rodent sighting around the room or hotel grounds are almost inevitable. It should by no means be taken as a sign of dirtiness, as it is simply a fact of life in these destinations/ locations.

21.1 Meals on tour are served as written in the itinerary/ tour program as B (Breakfast), L (Lunch), D (Dinner). These are pre-set menus which mostly include Indian meals and sometimes local or international cuisine depending on the destination and tour. The Indian meal menu generally comprises dal, rice, roti, two vegetables, one non-veg item, salad & accompaniments, and dessert.

21.2 Depending on the tour program, packed meals are served at a few places on tour.

21.3 In a group tour, special meal/diet requests can be accommodated to a limited extent only, and if informed at the time of booking. Such guests should carry their own dry snacks because at certain locations their special requests cannot be fulfilled.

21.4 If informed at the time of booking, Jain meal/ meal without onion & garlic is served at Lunch and Dinner as per the tour itinerary, not necessarily before sunset. It may be a buffet service or table service.

21.5 A baby meal generally includes milk, plain dal, and rice. We recommend that guests with very young kids should carry their regular baby food if needed.

21.6 Any missed meal due to any personal reason of the guest will not be substituted or compensated.

21.7 While we endeavour to select good quality restaurants for meals, we do not have direct control over their operations in terms of food, hygiene, sanitation facilities, etc., and Raahgira Holidays is not responsible for any deficiency in the quality and service of the same. No complaints/ claims in this respect shall be entertained.

22.1 Raahgira Holidays’ Tour Managers are very popular among the tourists on both Indian and International tours. These Tour Managers accompany the guests on group tour from the first day to the last day of the tour as mentioned in the itinerary. To make the tour most enjoyable, guests are advised to follow the instructions given by the Tour Manager regarding tour schedule, safety precautions, clothing, things to carry, meals, sightseeing information, local etiquette, do’s and don’ts, etc. The Tour Manager is not responsible for any instructions ignored/ overruled by the guest/s and its consequences.

22.2 Guests are requested to treat the Tour Managers respectfully as they are doing their level best to accomplish the tour with great success. Any on-tour service issue/ complaint should be immediately brought to the notice of the Tour Manager by the guests so that a solution can be obtained and the issue can be resolved.

22.3 Though the Tour Managers are at the service of the guests on tour, they are not responsible for any theft/ loss/ damage to guest’s personal belongings and any injury or accident caused to the guest. Since the Tour Manager has to manage the entire group and complete the tour program as per the itinerary, s/he will not be able to accompany the guest/s personally or stay back with them in case of emergency. However, s/he will guide the guest/s for further process or for lodging the complaint with local authorities. Any expense incurred due to the same will be borne by the guest/s.

22.4 If a guest’s personal belonging is lost and found after departing from that destination, then the guest will have to make arrangements to bring it back via courier service and bear the expenses for the same. Raahgira Holidays or its Tour Managers are not responsible for getting back the lost & found item from any destination.

22.5 For smooth operation and clarity of instructions, along with verbal communication, Raahgira Holidays’ Tour Manager will create a WhatsApp group of its guests on the second day of the tour (in rare cases, due to unavailability of internet, this may not be possible). This group would be created solely for sharing tour-related instructions and next day’s tour program. In case any guest has an objection to being a part of this WhatsApp group, then s/he should intimate the Tour Manager immediately for necessary action.

22.6 On group tours, the language of communication is Hindi and English. Tour Managers communicate in Hindi and/or English. On international tours, all local guides, local hosts, ship crew, hotel representatives, etc., speak English. Guests are expected to be conversant with these two languages. In case any guest is unfamiliar with these two languages, Tour Managers will do their level best to make the guest/s comfortable and understand the tour program.

22.7 Raahgira Holidays’ Tour Managers shall not be responsible for and extend any assistance to alter or amend the following:

  • Itinerary and its inclusions in normal conditions, as they are pre-decided by Raahgira Holidays.
  • Flight seat allotment, as it is at the discretion of the airline.
  • Coach seat allotment, as it is assigned as per the booking date priority.
  • Room allotment, as it is at the discretion of the hotel.
  • Any missed sightseeing if timings are not adhered to by the guest/s.

22.8 The Tour Managers are under the contractual obligation of Raahgira Holidays and accordingly are required to provide the highest quality of services on tour. However, Raahgira Holidays shall only be liable for the acts of Tour Managers which are related to the Raahgira Holidays tours and Raahgira Holidays shall not be responsible for any act done by him/her at their personal level. Guests are advised to refrain from engaging in any kind of monetary or otherwise transactions with Tour Managers in their personal capacity.

23.1 Shopping is an important activity of any tour and an experience in itself. Guests should shop responsibly, as well as check the price and quality of the items they wish to purchase. All guests are hereby made aware that Raahgira Holidays neither recommends nor promotes any specific shop or vendor and is not responsible for any item you may purchase on tour. Sometimes sightseeing places have their own souvenir shops/ flagship stores/ galleries where there is no compulsion on shopping but guests may shop if they wish to do so. While shopping, guests should check quality, quantity, price and be aware of VAT refund, baggage allowance, courier charges, shipping, freight, customs duty wherever applicable.

24.1 Raahgira Holidays has a facility of Gift Vouchers which can be purchased by the guests and gifted to their near and dear ones on happy occasions.

24.2 Sometimes Raahgira Holidays also issues Gift Vouchers to guests as a prize or benefit.

24.3 These Gift Vouchers come with the following:

  • The Gift Voucher can be redeemed only against group tours (subject to availability) or holiday package of Raahgira Holidays.
  • It comes with a validity and should be used within the specified time limit.
  • It cannot be split, as well as two or more gift vouchers cannot be combined for one tour.
  • It is non-transferable, non-refundable, and non-encashable.
  • At the time of redemption, the guest will need to share the digital code which they must have received at the time of voucher issuance.
  • The gift voucher cannot be used for one-day tour/ picnic/ stand-alone service, and also for the tours priced below INR 20,000/-.
  • Raahgira Holidays Terms and Conditions will also be applicable.

25.1 Raahgira Holidays welcomes all Indians, NRIs, and foreign nationals to join the tour within India or around the world. Guests should be mentally as well as physically fit and should consult their physician before joining the tour. Differently abled guests should check the facilities available at the destination prior to booking the tour and must be accompanied by a family member.

25.2 The safety and well-being of all guests on the group tour is our priority. Any guest who poses a threat to the tour companions and is found unfit to participate in any sightseeing or to continue the tour will be restricted from joining the sightseeing and/ or will be compelled to discontinue the tour. In such cases, Raahgira Holidays will assist the guest for further arrangements; however, the guest will bear all the expenses and no refund of tour price is applicable.

25.3 When a guest seeks any medical assistance on tour, the same will be arranged through local doctors or hospitals. All expenses regarding such medical aid will be borne by the guest. We recommend all guests to buy medical insurance which covers hospitalization and other medical expenses.

25.4 Guests should keep in mind and exercise caution as some tours include rough terrain, extensive walking sometimes over cobblestone streets, uneven pavements, steps, hill climbs, and/or locations which may not be easily accessible.

25.5 Guests should ensure that they are physically fit to participate in any included or optional outdoor/ adventure activity. Raahgira Holidays will not be responsible for any injury, accident, or mishap occurred due to the same.

25.6 Guests in need of special service must be accompanied by their near and dear ones or relatives on tour. Any required service like caretaker, wheelchair, airport assistance can be made available at an additional cost subject to availability.

26.1 Guest details on their booking form are very important as all further arrangements of the tour are dependent on the same. Any mistake can lead to a substantial loss to the guests; hence, they are hereby informed to verify and reconfirm the details on their booking form. If the guest has booked the tour/package through Raahgira Holidays’ sales office or sales partner’s office, they must authenticate the booking form and ensure that they have received a confirmation call and an auto-generated SMS from Raahgira Holidays’ corporate office immediately after the booking.

26.2 Accuracy and authenticity of the information provided by the guest:

When guest/s submit any information to Raahgira Holidays, at the time of enquiry, registration, booking, or while processing the visa or insurance, s/he must ensure that all the information provided by them such as tour date, name, age, birth date, address, details of Aadhar/PAN/passport, and required financial information by the visa consulate is accurate, true, current, and complete in all respects. Raahgira Holidays will rely on the information provided by the guest and will proceed with all tour formalities on the basis of the same. If a guest finds any incorrect detail on their booking form, s/he should inform the Travel Advisor and get it corrected immediately within 24 hours after the booking. Incorrect information may lead to amendments or cancellation of the tour; the cost incurred for the amendment and/or loss due to cancellation will have to be borne by the guest. Raahgira Holidays will not in any way be liable for the same. In case of any change in the registered contact details, guest/s should immediately get it updated through their Travel Advisor to avoid missing any important information.

26.3 For any tour, guests need to submit their valid documents for processing the booking and collect the necessary documents from Raahgira Holidays before the tour. In both these cases, guests should observe the timelines to avoid any future issues in the booking/joining the tour. Timelines are shared periodically on the guest’s registered contact details.

26.4 While on tour, guest/s should carry original documents like Aadhar card, PAN card, passport with valid visa/s, air ticket, insurance copy, NOC if needed in case of minors/children, vaccination certificate, health report (if mandatory), or any other personal/legal document required at immigration. Guests are also advised to keep photocopies of the important documents with them and also at their homes in case of emergency.

26.5 Guests should select a group tour or a customized holiday according to their likes and interests to make the most of their vacation. For a group tour, the itinerary/accommodation/services, etc., are pre-set; however, while booking an individual customized holiday, guests should ensure that they have selected the services to suit their expectations and confirm the booking. Customized Holidays do not have Tour Manager services available at the destination; however, all arrangements will be taken care of as per the itinerary through the local associates, and Raahgira Holidays will virtually assist the guest/s for a smooth holiday. Guests are required to be in touch with Raahgira Holidays’ guest relation representative. If guests wish to have tour manager services on their Customized Holiday (FIT) package, they can do so at an additional cost, subject to availability of a Tour Manager.

26.6 When guests book the ‘group tour,’ they are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate for group travel. Any abusive/aggressive/harmful behavior towards co-travelers/Travel Advisor/Tour Manager/representative of the associates will compel us to cancel the booking or discontinue the guest from the tour. The company reserves the right to cancel or terminate such guests from the tour and will not be liable for any refund, compensation, or consequences.

26.7 As per the immigration/customs/government/community laws, guests are not allowed to possess or carry any illegal or restricted items such as narcotic drugs, weapons, ammunition, explosives, etc., and if found, it will lead to discontinuation of the tour and the guest may have to face legal action according to the law of the land.

26.8 Guests should follow the Tour Manager’s instructions and maintain punctuality. Any missed sightseeing or service due to any delay on the guest’s part will be the sole responsibility of the guest, and any expense or loss incurred due to the same will have to be borne by the guests.

26.9 While on tour, it is everyone’s responsibility to take care of private as well as public property. Any expense or penalty incurred due to the damage caused by the guest/s (knowingly or unknowingly) to the hotel property/aircraft/train/cruise/coach/sightseeing attraction, etc., will have to be borne by the guest/s and is to be settled immediately.

26.10 Any inconvenience faced by the guest/s on tour should be immediately brought to the notice of the Tour Manager so that a solution can be sought from the concerned officials wherever possible.

26.11 Guests should be aware that during their participation in the tours operated by Raahgira Holidays, certain risks and dangers may arise beyond our control, including but not limited to: the hazards of traveling in undeveloped areas with narrow roads, ghats, low oxygen levels; travel by boat/train/automobile/aircraft; forces of nature; political unrest; acts of unlawfulness or terrorism; animal interaction; hazardous local customs and practices; differing levels of sanitation; differing standards of safety; risks associated with water, air, fire, food, plants, insects, and differing animal regulations; accidents or illness in areas lacking means of rapid evacuation or medical facilities; acts of national and local governments and unrest and acts of others against governments. These risks are not an exhaustive list but are examples of many kinds of risks. You are voluntarily participating in these activities with the knowledge that there are significant dangers involved, and you hereby agree to accept any and all risks.

26.12 If the guest/s do not wish to or are not allowed to visit a country or part of a country intended to be visited because of any law, condition, or requirement of any governmental authority, then these guests are solely responsible for any missed visit, loss, damage, costs incurred, etc., and Raahgira Holidays will not be liable for any refund, compensation, or consequences.

26.13 As lawful consideration for the agreement with Raahgira Holidays to participate in the tour, you agree that you will not make any claim against Raahgira Holidays, its group companies, or its personnel or sue for bodily injury, emotional trauma, death, property loss or damage, etc., however caused.

26.14 We suggest every guest get insured before joining the tour. In case of any accident or incident leading to an insurance claim, the guest will have to directly communicate with the insurance company and provide necessary documents asked for the claim settlement. Any grant or rejection of the claim will be solely the decision of the insurance company, and Raahgira Holidays will not be responsible for the same. Any dispute arising about the adequacy of the settlement amount or rejection of the claim should be directly dealt with the insurance company by the guests.

26.15 Airlines, cruises, and trains are imposing stricter baggage policies with restrictions on size and weight; hence, guests are advised to travel light with small bags which are easy to carry on their own. Guest/s shall pay the porter charge or tip directly if any such service is availed by the guest/s at the train stations, airports, cruise terminals, immigration points, hotels, or any other place.

26.16 Tipping is customary (unless otherwise stated in your tour itinerary inclusions) in all parts of the world for services rendered like porters, coach drivers, guides, etc.

26.17 Any friends, relatives, or colleagues visiting guests on tour are not allowed to utilize any service unless they have taken prior permission and paid for the same in advance. Such admission or permission will be subject to availability.

26.18 This agreement, though entered on your behalf, also binds the heirs, assigns, and legal representatives.

26.19 Money to carry along: Raahgira Holidays generally includes all services and maximum sightseeing as per the tour itinerary; however, guests should carry money for their personal expenses, shopping, optional sightseeing, local delicacies, beverages, additional facilities offered by the hotel/resorts, etc., and also for any emergency due to medical reasons or unforeseen/force majeure situations.

27.1 Raahgira Holidays as an organization is a facilitator who coordinates with various independent service providers for tour-related services which include but are not limited to airlines, cruises, railways, transporters, sightseeing companies, hoteliers, restaurateurs, caterers, snacks suppliers, etc. Though the company takes utmost precaution to ensure the smooth operation of the tour, it has no control over the operations and the running of these service providers. Thus, in case of any issues faced by the guests at the time of availing the service (which is the sole responsibility of the service provider), Raahgira Holidays shall not be responsible or liable for compensation of any kind of operational inefficiency, misrepresentations, acts, omissions, errors, warranties, breaches, or negligence on the part of any service provider.

27.2 Raahgira Holidays will not be liable for the provision of medical care or the adequacy of any care that may be rendered in case of medical emergency or accident and is not responsible for such risks and dangers that may arise beyond our control.

27.3 Any gesture of courtesy extended by Raahgira Holidays towards guest/s in case of any force majeure/unforeseen situation to minimize the impact, loss, or damage will not constitute an admission of such liability or a waiver.

27.4 In the age of a fast-moving world, human errors and omissions are expected. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to correct any mistake in tour price and re-invoice the guest even if the booking is made and confirmed. However, if s/he disagrees and wishes to withdraw the booking and conveys the same immediately within 48 hours of the notification of such error, then the booking will be canceled and the advance paid by the guest will be refunded within 10 working days.

27.5 Sometimes a celebrity/dignitary/Raahgira Holidays founder’s presence is advertised as a part of the tour itinerary; however, due to unavoidable circumstances, such assigned personnel may not be able to join the tour. Raahgira Holidays will not be held responsible for the same.

27.6 For any withdrawal from the tour for whatsoever may be the reason, the Cancellation Policy will be applicable. The company is not liable for any losses incurred by its guests in their personal capacity and hence has no liability relating to any loss of job/business/occupation/contract/interruption/loss of business opportunity, etc.

28.1 Raahgira Holidays’ website is for the use of guest/s to access information regarding tours, packages, and other relevant details. The language used for content on our website is English. We have made every effort to ensure the information is as accurate as possible while updating the website; however, Raahgira Holidays cannot be held responsible for any typographical errors or errors arising from unforeseen circumstances.

28.2 Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our website, we make no representations, warranties, or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that the content on our website is accurate, complete, or up-to-date. In any event, our website content is only valid at the time it is downloaded and may change on a subsequent visit to our website.

28.3 Maps used on the website or any promotional medium are indicative and not actual. They are for reference only and are not to scale. Photographs and descriptions of locations/attractions/hotels, etc., are merely representative of conditions that existed at the time of updating the website, creating the brochure, publishing advertisements, etc., and conditions may differ at the time of your journey. Guests should read, understand, accept, and then only book the tour or package.

28.4 On Raahgira Holidays’ website, guest/s have the facility to register themselves for booking the tour or to access their post-booking information. Guests are required to have a unique and strong password, which should be confidential and not shared with anybody. In case guest/s suspect any unauthorized access to their personal login on Raahgira Holidays’ website, they should immediately inform their Travel Advisor. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to terminate registration, disable login, or deny access to the website with or without prior notification to the guest if any misuse is observed.

28.5 The content on Raahgira Holidays’ website is provided for general information only, with the understanding that we are not engaged in the rendering of legal or other professional advice or services. Your reliance on or use of our website and website content is entirely at your own risk.

28.6 Raahgira Holidays’ website may include third-party products/services for the use of the guest or an independent traveler. If we include a link to such third-party products/services/websites on our website, you should be aware that access to these links is voluntary and does not indicate that we are endorsing, sponsoring, or recommending such products/services/websites. Guests should check the Terms and Conditions and review the Privacy Policies of these websites before submitting any personal data to them. The quality, safety, and operations of the same are at the discretion of the third party, and Raahgira Holidays will not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by the guest as a result of availing such products/services advertised by third parties on the website.

28.7 Raahgira Holidays’ Terms and Conditions grant a limited right to use this website as expressly permitted herein. The website content such as itineraries, articles, texts, images, designs, logos, appearance, and layout of the website are owned by Raahgira Holidays, and users agree not to interrupt, copy, exchange, modify, sell, or transmit anything from the website for any commercial or public purpose.

28.8 It is a criminal offense to tamper with our website by introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other materials that are malicious/technologically harmful or to attempt to gain unauthorized access to our websites/the server on which our websites are stored. Any such breach under the ‘Information Technology Act’ will lead to immediate cessation of website access/server and may result in legal/criminal proceedings.

28.9 Raahgira Holidays reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate access to the website and the services offered on the same or any portion thereof at any time for general maintenance, improvements, changes, or any other reason whatsoever without any prior notice.

28.10 Although we make all reasonable attempts to exclude viruses from our website and website content, we cannot ensure that there will be none or that our website will not be subject to unauthorized access or modification. Thus, you are recommended to take all appropriate safeguards on your computer or other devices, including installing appropriate protective software before downloading any of our website content.

29.1 You acknowledge that all copyright, designs, database rights, trademarks, patents, and all other intellectual property and material rights relating to our website are and remain our sole and absolute property. You are granted no right, license, or interest in or to our website content or any intellectual property rights in it.

29.2 You are not allowed to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, publish, transfer, or sell any of our website content or use our website for any commercial purpose, including any advertising or advertising revenue generation activity on your website or any other medium from your end.

29.3 As a guest, you have been granted a browsing license which permits you to download and run the pages of our website that we make accessible to you, in a web browser, and to store/copy/print the same provided that you are doing so as a guest for the purpose of your travel. Raahgira Holidays reserves the right to terminate these rights if any misuse is observed.


The name, logos, symbols, slogans, trademarks, service marks, and creatives displayed on Raahgira Holidays’ website or any promotional material at any Raahgira Holidays sales offices, etc., are intellectual property of Raahgira Holidays. They are protected under laws and cannot be reproduced, copied, or used either alone or in conjunction or combination with other trademarks, logos, or otherwise in any manner which may be confusing or misleading. It also does not grant anyone a license, right, or authority to utilize it in any manner. Any unauthorized use of the same, without prior written permission and consent of Raahgira Holidays, will be in violation of the applicable laws and will lead to appropriate legal action.

31.1 Personal information shared by the guest, which is necessary for processing the booking, is confidential. Raahgira Holidays will need to use guest’s personal information which may include each guest’s name, age, birth date, address, phone number, email ID, Aadhar number, PAN number, passport number, and additional personal information like religion, health & mobility status, medical history, dietary preferences, etc. To process your travel arrangements, this personal information may be passed on to consulates, embassies, visa facilitators, tourism organizations, customs/immigration authorities, airlines, cruises, railways, hoteliers, destination management companies, marketing & communication service providers (for SMS, email, WhatsApp), associates & partners, Tour Managers, and co-travelers (to a limited extent), etc.

31.2 In addition to the above, guest’s personal information is subject to disclosure as required by law or by order of the court or enquiry by any government or statutory authority.

31.3 Raahgira Holidays sends transactional and promotional SMSs/emails/WhatsApp messages/phone calls to update you about your tour status, new launches, promotions, festive offers/greetings, etc. By booking a tour/package, you consent to your personal data being used/passed on to relevant third parties as set out above.

31.4 The company reserves the right to use guest’s testimonials/emails/on-tour photos/video clips/social media posts tagged to Raahgira Holidays for the promotion of tours/packages/destinations/information videos, etc., on any media without obtaining any further consent or payment in respect of such photographs and/or videos.

31.5 The company reserves the right to refer a guest, on request, to prospective guests for the promotion of Raahgira Holidays’ business.

31.6 Confidentiality: Information concerning Raahgira Holidays or any of its group companies, their employees, partners, associates, agents, guests/customers, or others whose data is collected, stored, or processed is the property of Raahgira Holidays and is confidential except for the necessary disclosures required by the law and for the proceedings of the tour.

32.1 Changes in Terms and Conditions:

  • Veena World may update these Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
  • Updates will be posted on the website, and continued use of the site means acceptance of these changes.
  • The latest version of the Terms and Conditions will override previous versions.

32.2 Authority to Change Terms:

  • Only written changes by the company are valid.
  • Employees and partners do not have the authority to alter Terms and Conditions.
  • Any assurances given by employees or agents are not binding.

32.3 Enforceability:

  • If any term is invalid, it will be adjusted to comply with the law while maintaining Veena World’s original intent.
  • Remaining terms will still be valid.

32.4 Consumer Rights:

  • If acting as a consumer (not for business purposes), legal rights remain unaffected by these Terms and Conditions.
  • Terms should be interpreted to preserve consumer rights.

32.5 Jurisdiction:

  • The Terms and Conditions are governed by Indian law.
  • Disputes will be handled by courts in Mumbai, India.

32.6 Complaint Procedure & Consumer Protection:

  • For issues, guests should contact their Travel Advisor, Tour Manager, or virtual guest relation representative immediately.
  • Unresolved issues should be reported to Veena World’s emergency number or email within 30 days after the tour.
  • Claims made after 30 days will not be considered.

32.7 Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution:

  • Guests and Veena World can seek relief in small claims court in Mumbai.
  • At least 30 days of written notice and good-faith negotiation is required before filing a complaint.
  • Disputes should be sent to Veena World’s corporate office.
  • If unresolved within 60 days, legal proceedings may commence.

32.8 Arbitration:

  • Disputes will be resolved by arbitration in Mumbai, conducted in English.
  • Arbitration expenses will be shared equally by both parties.
  • The arbitrator must be impartial and not connected to either party.

32.9 Indemnification:

  • Guests must indemnify Veena World against legal actions or claims arising from their actions.
  • This includes covering third-party claims related to the tour.

32.10 Disclaimer of Warranties:

  • Services are provided “as is” and “as available.”
  • No warranties or guarantees are provided regarding service quality, reliability, or uninterrupted use.

32.11 Attorney/Client Fees:

  • If guests lose a legal action against Veena World, they must cover all related legal costs and fees.

This summary covers the key points of each clause, but it’s always good to review the full text to ensure complete understanding.